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Day Trips

Experience the remote wonders of the Guadalupe & Gigante mountains, Bahia Concepcion, Mulege, La Purisima and San Juanico

Ride with Guide or follow in your own Off Road vehicle

Day trips include lunch, drinks, remote ranchero tours, guide/ranch fees, bi-lingual interpreter, first aid/GPS emergency support and trail assistance as needed. 


You can ride in the Alta Baja Sur guide’s 4x4, or you can follow the guide in your own 4x4, UTV or motorcycle. Day trip prices start at $2500 pesos per person, depending on the trip. 


For motorcycle trips, our dirtbike-guide leads the way. Our 4x4 Guide drives behind carrying your water, fuel and gear so you can just enjoy the trip at your own pace with as much support as needed. 

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